Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Family Fitness

It starts with me! As much as it is appreciated, P.E class twice a week at an elementary school will not give my children the physical activity they need. I am their example. I make it a point to not DIET but to have a healthy diet, to not talk down about my physical appearance but to strive to be the healthiest version of ME. It all starts with ME. I am their first teacher, their friend, their parent, their greatest example.

Today I took my five kids down to the local track. They rode scooters, raced, kicked soccer balls and even giggled while running the bleachers and doing drills with mom.

I encourage you to lead by example! Think back to what your childhood memories are. They aren't organized, you can't select them and more times than not they don't include that expensive 1st birthday party you had.

Create healthy habits, fun memories, and the best version of you by making physical fitness part of your family's priorities. Now not everyone is a parent but everyone does have friends and family that they influence. If you won't be physically active for you do it for them. Do it for the ones that love you, you will not only reap the benefits but they will follow your lead. Lord willing you will both get to enjoy each others presence longer because of this choice you made in your life. Physical fitness isn't for the fat, the adults or those that "have all the time in the world to take care of themselves". Physical fitness is a one size fits all preventative medicine for diabetes, cancer, obesity, lack of energy and a bad mood. Have you had your daily dose?

This is a photo of Alexis and Amaya racing up the staira and their lil sister Jordynn following their lead.

Not only did I wear the kiddos out before nap time but I also got in some excercise for me. YAY!


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